Learning Innovation Catalyst Blog

Classroom Zen: Crafting a Cell Phone Agreement with Students

Written by Charity Dodd | Sep 11, 2023 3:30:51 PM

The presence of cell phones in the classroom presents both challenges and opportunities. While they can be powerful learning tools, they can also be sources of distraction. Balancing these realities requires clear, fair, and enforceable policies. This guide aims to help educators implement an effective cell phone policy that promotes responsible use while minimizing disruptions.

Understand Your Students and Their Needs: The first step is to understand your students' needs and the role cell phones currently play in their lives. Surveying students can provide insight into their habits, attitudes, and expectations regarding mobile technology. Gathering this information will help in forming a more inclusive and effective approach towards integrating or managing cell phone use in the classroom. 

Here are sample questions you might want to ask: 

  1. How often do you use your cell phone for school-related tasks?
  2. What are the top three activities you do on your cell phone daily?
  3. How do you feel when you're without your cell phone for a day?
  4. In what ways do you think your cell phone helps your learning? In what ways might it distract you?
  5. Do you use any specific apps for studying or organizing your schoolwork? If so, which ones?
  6. How often do you communicate with peers about schoolwork using your phone?
  7. How would you feel about a policy that guides cell phone usage during school hours?
  8. What challenges do you face when trying to balance cell phone use and schoolwork?
  9. Are there times in class when you feel it would be beneficial to use your cell phone for learning? When?
  10. Do you think there are lessons or subjects where cell phones could be integrated to enhance learning?

Define the Purpose: Before creating the policy, define its purpose. Is it to minimize distractions? Foster digital citizenship? Facilitate learning through educational apps? By having a clear understanding of the "why" behind the policy, you can better communicate it to students and parents. 

Here are a few talking points when introducing the purpose of the cell phone policy. By framing the conversation, teachers can facilitate a constructive dialogue with students, allowing them to feel included in the decision-making process and understanding the rationale behind the proposed policy.: 

  1. Class, we're considering a new cell phone policy. It's not about limiting your freedom, but about ensuring that our classroom remains a focused and productive environment. We want to hear from you too. Why do you think such policies exist?
  2. We recognize that cell phones can be powerful tools for learning, but they can also be distractions. Our goal is to find a balance. What are your thoughts on how we can achieve that?
  3. Our intention behind this policy is to help all of us foster a sense of digital citizenship. We want you to be prepared not only for the academic challenges but also for the digital world outside. How do you think a policy might help with that?
  4. There are some fantastic educational apps out there that we could use to our advantage. However, we need guidelines to ensure everyone's on the same page. Can anyone share an app they find educational?
  5. The purpose of our cell phone policy isn't to restrict but to guide. We believe that with clear expectations, we can all benefit from the technology at our fingertips. How do you feel about that?
  6. I want our classroom to be a place where everyone feels they can focus and participate without unnecessary interruptions. Let's discuss why having a purpose for our cell phone usage might be a good idea.
  7. Your education and well-being are our top priorities. By understanding why we're considering this policy, we hope to get your buy-in and cooperation. What are some reasons you believe schools implement these policies?

Draft the Policy: Now that you have a foundation, draft your policy. The policy should be clear and straightforward, detailing when and how cell phones can be used, and the consequences of policy violations. Use our Cell Phone Agreement Template to guide you through this process.

Include Student Input: Consider involving students in the policy-making process. Their input can give you a different perspective and make them more invested in the policy. This can be done through class discussions, suggestion boxes, or a committee of student representatives. Common Sense Education provides a classroom activity to co-create norms and expectations with students, emphasizing the need to incorporate cell phone rules into overall classroom guidelines.

Communicate with Parents: Send a copy of the policy home and consider setting up a meeting to discuss it with parents. This ensures they understand the policy and can reinforce it at home.

Teach Digital Citizenship: Integrate lessons on digital citizenship into your curriculum. Topics can include online etiquette, privacy, cyberbullying, and digital footprint awareness. By equipping students with these skills, you're not just regulating cell phone use, but teaching students how to use them responsibly. Common Sense Education has a free Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Review and Revise: Revisit the policy periodically to make sure it's still relevant and effective. Seek feedback from students, parents, and other teachers, and make adjustments as necessary.

In the digital age, cell phones are an integral part of our students' lives. By implementing a clear, fair cell phone policy, we can turn potential distractions into tools for learning and growth. Remember, the goal isn't to ban or restrict, but to educate and guide.